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Economics Society Invitation

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From 29/03/2017, 18:00:00 To 29/03/2017, 20:00:00
The English School, Lecture Theatre
Dr. Michael Sarris and Mr. Michalis Florentiades
The Economics Society of the English School, Nicosia
Invites you to a Panel Discussion on Europe, its problems and future
The discussion will be held in the School’s Lecture Theatre
 on Wednesday 29th March 2017 at 6 p.m.
Dr. George Theocharides - Chairman of The English School Board of Management
    Associate Professor of Finance & DIrector of MSc in Fiancial Servics at CIIM
1. Dr. Michael Sarris - Former Finance Minister of the Republic of Cyprus and Former World Bank Director
 2. Mr. Michalis Florentiades - Chief Economist, Head of Investment Research at XM

Title: "The Future of the EU & the Eurozone"
The European project has been going through a rough period in recent times. From an economic perspective, we had the sovereign debt crisis of a number of Eurozone's periphery countries, with fiscal imbalances, rising unemployment, deflation, and low levels of growth. From a political standpoint, we have witnessed the rise of nationalism and far-right movements as well as a strong anti-immigrant sentiment. The first break-up of the EU came last summer with the Brexit vote in the UK referendum. Will more break-ups follow?  Is there a future in the European project? Will it fall apart?How will Brexit affect the rest of Europe? Why EU leaders are incapable in addressing the rising economic and political problems of the Union? The panel discussion will address the above (and more) related questions about the problems faced and the overall future of Europe.

The lecture is sponsored by the Hellenic Bank   
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